👋 I’m Jesse. Nice to meet You.

The best event organizers simply know how to do things right. It begins with thinking event management in the correct manner.

On this site I will share my knowledge, experience, best practices, and mistakes accumulated over 25+ years in event bidding, planning, and managing major events.

You’re the next superstar event organizer 🦸‍♂️

Bootcamp: How to Become the Superstar Event Organizer
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✓ Over 3 hours of video content
✓ Unlimited lifetime access
✓ Extra content, tools and templates FREE

How to Think the Event Management Right? Click me 😎

My Best Content for You

  • Event management tools and templates

    Event Management Tools and Templates

    Claim useful event management tools and templates to success in your event projects.

  • The Art of Event Planning

    The Art of Event Planning

    Learn how to make event plans that are simple, detailed and easy to review and re-use.

  • Formula to solve any event production challenge

    Event Magic Cube

    The conceptual model by which you solve any event production (challenges). Free content for all event organizers.

  • Bonacube App - Event Planning App

    Unique event planning tool that helps us work more effective and efficient while planning and producing live events.

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